Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Small 'Hello'

Wow, what a week, so far!  We felt the tremor's of yesterday's earthquake in Central VA.  We are about an hour and a half south of the epicenter.  I was at my computer and when everything shifted, I thought I was going crazy! lol...........Now, we are preparing for Hurricane Irene this weekend; we will be right in the middle of this storm, so wish us well!  We will be prepared.

My ten year old grandson made his debut in a band on Monday evening at the local Cactus Restaurant......he was awesome!!!  Hopefully I can get the video loaded on here later.

Hope everyone is having a great week!  I will have stitching photos later this weekend, if I am not without power.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Another Great Giveaway

I am here to tell you that there is another great giveaway hosted by Terri on her blog!  Here is the link:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

For those who may not know.................

For those of you who may not know, I have become increasingly fond of Owls this year!, if any of my stitching friends out there have any Owl charts they would like to trade for another chart, please let me know!  My email is

So far, I only have a couple; two are by Jeannette Douglas and the other is three Owls with button eyes; can't recall the designer right off hand.....

I have lots of different charts I can trade so let me hear from you!

A Giveaway!

Just a quick note to let you know that Sarah is having a nice giveaway on her blog!  Check this out:

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Update for the end of July

Hello to all my stitcher friends!  I have been busy stitching through the month of July and trying to beat the heat.  Our temperatures here have been horrendous; in the three digits.  

I finally finished my Prairie Schooler Summer Sampler and my Country Cottage Needleworks Joyful Summer, (other than the beads).  Take a look and see what you think.  I only have the Autumn Sampler to do and I will have all four finished.

I have also finished my July Owl for OakHaven Designs SAL.

We had a new Ben Franklin open up here this past week and I managed to get threads for nineteen cents!  I kitted up three charts that I will be starting.  One is Joan Elliott's Birdhouse that is in one of the Cross Stitch Collection Magazines (#192); a new chart by Carriage House Samplings called Island Sisters; and a sampler by Brenda Keyes.  The Sampler does not have a name.  I am going to post updates as I do these three pieces.

I also hit the thrifts stores this past week with my girlfriends, Liz and Laura and managed to get a Joan Elliott Book with the Teddy Bears and other cute animals for just a couple of dollars, I got five Quick and East XS magazines for ninety five cents and an OOP Prairie Schooler called Up on the Rooftop for fifty nine cents!  It was in perfect condition.  Great buys which I will post photos of later.  Here are my three finishes:

 I also received a nice package from my friend Karen that I need to post.  It was for my birthday at the end of the month, but I didn't know that and opened it! LOL.....She stitched me this wonderful Owl!!!!  I think I will name him Hootie.  What do you think?  There will be more birthday photos later in the month.

Until I post my thrift store finds and more birthday gifts I will close by saying have a wonderful weekend!!  Happy Stitching.