Thursday, April 28, 2011

Attention: Another Blog Giveaway! Anniversary!

Hello fellow bloggers! 

I am posting this link to a super blog giveaway; I just found out about this myself today.  You have until the end of today to enter! 

This is her blog anniversary, so go on over and enter!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Small Weekend Finish

Hello fellow bloggers; this weekend I managed a small finish of the LHN Watermelon design.  I stitched it on a small piece of 14ct.Aida, Sea Foam.
I am working on a few SALs that I am involved in; two of which are the Tree of Stitches designed by Abi Gurden of The Stitch Specialist and the monthly owls designed by Tonia of OakHaven Designs.  I am caught up with the owl SAL, but I just started the Tree of Stitches.  I am almost finished with the trunk of the tree, which is the first part.  

My other projects include a smaller house SAL on one of my groups and my Angel of Cross Stitch.  My Beatrix Potter Quaker sampler is a stitch in progress, as well as the Country Cupboard by Linda Meyers.  Other projects include my monthly ornaments from Cecilia's Sampler, Georgia O'Keefe's Amaryllis, and Prairie Schoolers Season Samplers.  I am half finished with Summer, which will give me three finished seasons and only Autumn left to stitch.

I neglected to say that the threads used on my watermelon finish were Crescent Colors provided by LHN.

I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful 'stitchy' week!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hot Weather in Newport News

Whew!  Today is a hot day here in Newport News, VA and if this is any indication of what our summer will be like, I will be inside stitching most days.

Today, I actually started yet another stitching project.  I will post works in progress as I go; it is called The Tree of Life by Abi of The Stitch Specialist.  I chose to use 20ct. Daffodil Lugana over two, which makes it a 10ct. size.  It is big, however, with it having several specialty stitches, it will make it much easier to see and work the piece.

I am using DMC 610 for the trunk of the tree, and Threadworx number 1148, Romanian Forest.  I think this will compliment the fabric nicely.

Hopefully, sometime tomorrow I can post a photo.

I am wishing everyone a very good evening, which I hope includes some stitch time!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Your Weekend

Here is hoping that all of my blogging friends have a wonderful, Happy Easter or Passover; whatever holiday you celebrate.  May you be blessed to have your family and friends by your side.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Devastation in Gloucester County, VA

We lived in Gloucester County for 18 years before moving to Newport News, VA; however, we have lots of family and friends who live there.....last night the storms and tornadoes wreaked havoc.

Here is the link to our newspaper, the Daily Press, if anyone would like to see this:

Another Giveaway!

To all my blogging friends:  Check out this wonderful giveaway!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Last Time

I suppose the third time is a charm! LOL


For some reason, the photos didn't post.  Hopefully, this works!


Post for April

I have another finish to post; it is the April Owl from OD SAL and one work in progress.  I have made good headway on the Prairie Schooler Summer Season Sampler.  This will be my third finish in this series; only have the Autumn left to do!  

For a slow stitcher, I feel I am making great progress this year; due to a dear friend, Karen, who is mentoring me and encouraging me along with all my projects!  I have never been so motivated and I do owe this all to her.

Also Ruth is having a nice giveaway for her birthday!  Check it out here: 

Enjoy the photos and let me know what you think ladies and gents too!